Gujarat Organic Products Certification Agency (GOPCA)



Gujarat Organic Products Certification Agency (GOPCA) is a Government Certification Body of the Gujarat State that carries out impartial third party inspection & certification in organic production and handling. GOPCA works in accordance with the criteria laid down under the NPOP (National Program for Organic Production) 2005-Jun,2015. GOPCA is an autonomous body and is registered under Societies Registration Act, 1860.

The Agency is non-profit certification program developed in response to the changing market requirements and regulatory nature of organic certification. The aim of GOPCA is to provide reliable and efficient inspection & certification services to the smallest of operators/farmers in a cost efficient way and thus promote certified organic farming in the state.

The Agency is committed to inspecting and certifying environmentally sound production systems and the preservation of natural resources, improvement of the soil quality and health through organic and sustainable farming practices.

According to GOPCA, organic certification will not be a declaration of the quality, food safety and absolute residue free guarantee for food and food products and will not provide guarantee for efficiency of agriculture inputs, but it will be a verification process of determining that the products, said to be organic, are in compliance with organic certification standards of NPOP.